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Classroom Teacher - Longford Park Primary School

Please Note: The application deadline for this job has now passed.

What is the job role?

We wish to appoint an experienced, inspirational, and enthusiastic teacher to join our successful and happy team, however we also like to welcome applications from newly qualified Early Career Teachers.

Longford Park Primary School is a one-form entry school for children aged 3 -11 years old.  We are an accredited Thrive school and have a recognised ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ (LoTC) silver award. Our staff have a passion to support our children and their families.  Longford Park School empowers the children to become confident, resilient, and articulate young people who aspire to be the best version of themselves. We offer a calm, respectful and nurturing atmosphere and set high standards of respect, courtesy, hard work and achievement for all children and adults.   

We are looking for a teacher who:

•              Is an outstanding primary practitioner.

•              Is committed to high expectations of care, achievement, behaviour, inclusion and safeguarding.

•              Has the ability and drive to motivate and inspire all children.

•              Is capable of working as part of our enthusiastic and dedicated team.

•              Will enhance the renowned reputation of the school in the locality.

In return we can offer:

•              A warm welcoming school with opportunities to grow and develop as professionals.

•              A curriculum that is rich, diverse and creative to ensure that our children are prepared for their next stage of learning.

•              Enthusiastic and friendly children who strive to achieve their full potential.

•              A strong commitment to supporting well-being and positive mental health.

•              Positive, hardworking and supportive staff, governors and parents/carers.

Our children have asked that our staff members are:

•              A bit funny,

•              Someone who listens to what we say,

•              Someone who respects other people’s opinions and differences,

•              Someone with lots of ideas and who organises exciting activities,

•              Someone who knows how to help us to learn well,

•              Someone who knows how to handle a bad situation,

•              Someone who is understanding, patient and calm.

The school is committed to safeguarding children and young people. All successful candidates are subject to a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The Job Description is available to download below or can be requested from:  

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed and will take place after school with a member of the leadership team. Please contact the school on 02476 687688, or via email at for details and to book your tour.

If you have not been invited to attend an interview by Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at 5pm, then you should assume that your application has not been successful.

Thank you for your interest in what we think will be exciting, challenging and rewarding posts.

Please apply using the online application form ensuring you outline your skills, abilities, and experience in line with the key areas on the advert and Job Description and Person Specification

Closing Date: Sunday 12th May 2024

Observation and Interviews: Friday 17th May 2024

Start date: September 2024

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS.

Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an online search may form part of this recruitment process.

Coventry City Council

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